Bacon and Spinach Twice Baked Potatoes

(Finding Joy in My Kitchen)

6 large baking potatoes
3 T butter
1/8 C milk
2 C fresh spinach, washed and trimmed
1/4 C cooked bacon crumbles
1 1/2 C colby jack cheese

Wash potatoes and poke holes in the skin.  
Lightly salt the skins while they are still moist {so the salt sticks}. 
Place the potatoes on a cookie sheet and bake at 400 for about 1 hour, or until potatoes are tender when pricked with a fork. 
Allow the potatoes to cool for 20-30 minutes until they have cooled enough to handle.
Meanwhile, cook the spinach -- boil it in about 1 inch of water until wilted.
Slice them in half lengthwise and allow them to cool for another 20 minutes.  
Then, carefully scoop out the insides and place them in a large bowl.
Mash the potatoes in the bowl with butter and milk; season with salt and pepper.  
Next, toss in the spinach, bacon and cheese.  
Stir until well mixed.  
Carefully fill the potato shells on the cookie sheet.  
{Here's where you'd stop if you were freezing the potatoes}
Return potatoes to the oven and bake for 20 minutes at 400.  
Serve warm!
These even warmed up excellently the next day for lunch!!
