Italian Greenbean Bake

Italian Greenbean Bake

This dish is a healthy, easy dish. Comes together quick and bakes in the oven for a couple hours. It is impossible to take a decent looking picture of, but i promise it is good!

Boneless skinless chicken breast frozen. (as many that will fill the bottom of pan you are using. I prefer tenderloins instead of breasts)
Butter ( optional)
2 yams( thinly sliced)
1 can French cut green beans
1 pkg Italian seasoning ( by good seasoning)

Heat oven to 350•place frozen chicken in bottom of pan.Sprinkle a little seasoning on.Layer your yams.Sprinkle more seasoning.Layer the can of green beans.Sprinkle the rest of the seasoning.Cover with tin foil, and cook for two hours.
